Sunday, November 9, 2014

'Disney and mid-century Feminine Stereotypes' or 'Daisy Duck used to be Pink'

Recently, whilst combing throughout the vast labyrinth of imagery on tumblr, I came across an image of Daisy that struck me as both odd and awesome. It was a still from a 1954 short called Donald's Diary that chronicles Daisy and Donald's courtship and subsequent marriage. Unfortunately the short revolves around somewhat unsavory stereotypes related to women and dating. In the cartoon, Daisy is seen spraying on scents labeled Bothered, Bewitched, and Bewildered, reading a book called How to Catch a Man, and it is insinuated that she let herself go after she and Donald got hitched.

After watching the short, it struck me that the cartoon might be offensive to some. For me, not so much. I accept that different periods of time will produce art, media, music and culture, and that popular perception of those things will change across history. No, what struck me about this image had nothing to do with my somewhat latent feminist self…

It had to do with the fact that Daisy Duck was PINK!:

WHAT? And she is clearly pink. Check out this image of her and Donald, who is clearly white:

I generally enjoy things more when they are pink, and ducks are no exception. Paired with those killer bangs and little red number, I think I may have found a new style icon. I'll take this Daisy over the current iteration any day.

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